
hello world

It's been a while since I last posted. Please accept my apologies. Life happens, ya know?

Here is what has been going on with our little family:

1:: I started back school a few weeks ago. I'm taking 3 online courses and things are rockin' there. Doing everything online has changed my life! It beats a 3 hour lecture class, any day.

2:: Avery had strep throat last week. He ran a fever for 3 days and had painful headaches. Poor guy was feeling rough. He stayed so warm that he didn't even want to cuddle like he normally does. So, so, so pitiful. 

3:: A Pre-K school has been decided on for Avery, and I'm still in denial that he's old enough to go to Pre-K. {He's really old enough to go to kindergarten, but with a late August birthday, I think holding him back is best.}

4:: Trevor was accepted into the gifted program at school. We are so proud of him!!!

5:: Little Rat {the Beta fish} was flushed the other night. Poor fishy was on it's last fin, and we euthanized him via the sewer method. A new fish, Kitty-Kitty, has since taken up residence in the fish tank.

6:: I've still been in a crafty mood. Yarn wreaths have swept my imagination and are now in production in my living room.

7:: I bought a monogram machine the other week. Be prepared for monogram madness and applique awesomeness to hit the blog soon!!!

 Now that you are caught up, I hope you have a marvelous Monday and an awesome week!

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