
Comment Challenge {Day 5}

I'm taking part of Jenna's Comment Challenge this week. It's a great opportunity to get other readers over to your blog and to make new bloggy friends!
Today's topic is: What is your dream vacation.

Out of all the topics this week, this one is the toughest. I can't pick just one place for my dream vacation. There really are so many places I would dream about going to. However, if I absolutely positively have to only pick one, my mind keeps thinking Australia. I would love to lay on the beach and sip fruity drink and listen to all the people around me talk in my favorite accent. 

Hmmm. Yep. I think that would be a dream!

Thanks for following along this week in the comment challenge. If you are a newcomer to my blog, welcome. If you are a regular to my blog, thanks for following my journey!

Happy Friday!


Comment Challenge {Day 4}

I'm taking part of Jenna's Comment Challenge this week. It's a great opportunity to get other readers over to your blog and to make new bloggy friends!
Today's topic is: What are your hobbies?

I love.love.love crafts. Do I have time to do all the crafty things I pin on Pinterest? No-Way-Jose! I wish I could stay at home and make all sorts of fun things, but it's just not a reality in my world.
Besides crafts, I enjoy photography. I'm in the process of getting my bachelors in photography and if everything works out like I have it planned in my little ole' head, I'll be a professional photographer one day.
I am starting to do some work on the side. I've already got 3 sessions booked. I'm ecstatic to say the least!

Recently I took up cake decorating, because I just wasn't busy enough. Ahem. I've completed 2 out of the 4 Wilton courses. I can say I can successfully ice a cake without crumbs showing through! Can I get a whoot-whoot?

Hope you all are having a fantastic week!!!


when your 3 year old takes over your phone




Comment Challenge {Day 3}

I'm taking part of Jenna's Comment Challenge this week. It's a great opportunity to get other readers over to your blog and to make new bloggy friends!
Today's topic is: What social networking {which ones do you use or don't use, why and why not}

For blogging purposes, I don't use any social networking sites at the moment. Previously, I used Blog Frog, Twitter, and Facebook. To be honest, they were all nice and well, but I didn't have extra time to network. I was getting so many random e-mails, comments, and couldn't keep up with everyone. True, I love to blog and "meet" new people, but I'm not in the professional blogging business and had no reason to be apart of every social networking area available.

For personal purposes, I use Facebook and Pinterest. I keep up with my family and friends through Facebook. I also upload tons and tons of pictures. I had my computer stolen one time and lost everything, so I'm grateful for Facebook that I didn't lose all my pictures. 
I love Pinterest. No, I don't have time to make every.single.thing I pin, but my heart jumps for joy when I see a new recipe or cool solution to a household problem!

Happy Wednesday!


Comment Challenge {Day 2}

I'm taking part of Jenna's Comment Challenge this week. It's a great opportunity to get other readers over to your blog and to make new bloggy friends!

Today's topic is: Why do you blog and what do you blog about?

I started blogging around October of 2008. I had just had my son, Avery, in August and was going through a rough time learning how to be a single mom. My cousin blogged and the more I read her blog, the more I wanted one of my own. 
I started out by telling a little about myself, but mainly wrote about Avery.
As I read back on some of my older blogs, I feel I've come a long way as a person, but also as a writer.
Lordy gordy at some of my previous post.

Since I started blogging, I have taught myself HTML and can completely redo my entire blog myself. I started designing blogs for others as well. (If you're looking for a new style, let me know!)

Today, I blog about my family, personal trials and tribulations, recipes, diy projects and other random topics. I consider my blog a hodge-podge of who I am. You get the good, the bad, and the ugly bits of my life.

Once again, welcome to my blog!


Commet Challenge {Day 1}

I'm taking part of Jenna's Comment Challenge this week. It's a great opportunity to get other readers over to your blog and to make new bloggy friends!
Today's topic is: Tell about yourself. 
So here we are:

My name is Cristin.
Mid year of 1986 I was born and the world hasn't been the same since, or at least that's what my parents tell me. Being the stubborn child, my mom had to be induced into labor with me. Not much has changed about me in that way either. I'm one that has always taken my time and has never been in a hurry for much. There are a lot of pros and cons to that approach, but I've managed well, so far.

In 2004, I graduated high school and went away to college. I made a lot of wonderful friends and made many great memories.

Sweet Avery was born in 2008 weighing in at a whopping 8 lb 9 oz.  He was the perfect baby. He slept well, ate well, and was generally happy all the time. He's currently 3 1/2 years old. In 2011 he was diagnosed with mild Autism and Apraxia of Speech. He is working very hard every week at school and has made so much progress. He enjoys anything to do with tractors, airplanes, trains, boats, and trucks. He also enjoys watching Bob the Builder and Thomas the Train. Avery has a sweet heart and is a very loving and caring child.

In 2010 I met the love of my life, Chris, and his son Trevor.

Chris enjoys college football, movies, music, and hanging out with buddies. His since of humor always keeps me smiling and laughing. There is not a day that goes by that I don't thank God for bringing him into my life.

Trevor is a happy 8 year old who has a very vivid imagination. He loves arts and crafts, writing stories, Spongebob, playing Wii, and Star Wars Legos. As of right now, when he grows up he wants to be an engineer. He's a big ball of energy and Avery adores and looks up to him.

We might be a blended family, but we blend well and we all love each other. There is lots of love, laughter, and smiles in our home. We are blessed to both come from close family's that we spend time with often and cherish dearly.

Chris and I are getting married October 20th and are ecstatic!

I blog about my life, raising kids, crafts, photography, and food. I hope you enjoy my blog as much as I enjoy writing it.

Welcome to my blog.


i wanna shout it to the world that...

Dreams really do come true. Fairy tales become reality. Love is real. I know this because I'm living proof!


Doing the Hoakey Croaky

{Warning: Don't read this if you have a weak stomach.}

No one is safe at our house at the moment. Not even the dog. Ever since Sunday morning, little A has had some crazy stomach critter. I thought these things lasted 24-48 hours, however, the sleepless days and nights I've encountered this week have proven otherwise.

Poor little fella had never thrown up before. Spit-up from milk as an infant, yes, throwin' chunks like a 50yd pass, not so much. He did not know what to think and told me it was "tuky." My heart broke for him. He ran a fever for two days, had 3 puking spells and only a few poopy incidences, but it was enough to keep him down most of the week.

As if one pukey-poopy person in the house wasn't enough, the dog started in on the fun too. Yes, the dog. I really thought I was losing my mind. Was this really happening? Not only were bed sheets going in the wash constantly, but so were the rugs in the bathroom. At one point, I was in the bathroom cleaning up dog poopy and throw up, Avery was on the toilet with the cha-cha's, and the cat was in her litter box leaving a present. It was pretty crappy. No pun intended there folks.

Oh well. What fun is life without curve balls being thrown at-cha?

Last night I started sanitizing the house. I Cloroxed all the door knobs, Avery's bed and mattress, and sanitized my floors. I really don't want this ooeey mess. However, if for some reason I do catch this madness, I want to puke off about 20 pounds. Is that too much to ask for?

Any-hoo, if you attended the birthday party last weekend at my house, beware. So far 2 other kiddos have had the Hoakey Croaky this week. So it's going around with a vengeance. Be careful friends...it ain't pretty!

Hope everyone is having a fab-ol-lish week! Remember to keep your hands washed well. Lots-o-germs floating around.


Aye, Aye Captain! {Trevor's Birthday}

Who had a Spongebob Party and turned 8 today?
Trevor James, Trevor James!
Who got lots of cool stuff like a new bike to ride?
Trevor James, Trevor James!
If nautical nonsense be somethin' ya wish.
Trevor James, Trevor James!
Then look at the fun from the party and flop like a fish!
Trevor James, Trevor James!


Happy 8th Birthday Trevor!
Your Dad, Avery, and I love you always!


head spinng kinda busyness

I don't think I've had a terribly busy week in a long time. Weekends can get hectic, but this week is going to be super duper, mama's head is going to spin right off her neck, I don't know where to begin kinda busy.

Starting tonight, I have course 2 class 1 of my Wilton cake decorating class. Then it's prepare, prepare, prepare, prepare  for Trevor's 8th birthday party. I've got grocery shopping to do, a cake to make, food to prepare, a banner to make, a house to clean...whew, the list goes on and  I'm worn out already thinking about it. Not to mention, Chris and I are taking each other to Atlanta on Wednesday to see Neil Diamond in concert. I bought him the tickets for his birthday and since it's my first annual 25th birthday on Thursday, we are making a mini trip out of it to the big ole A.T.L. I'm so excited, I'm literally about to jump out of my skin.

Also, I have to take Avery to the doctor today for his check-up and to get shots. Oh.My.Goodness.Soul am I nervous about it! Little dude hasn't had shots since he was one. I don't think this is going to go over well and my stomach is already in knots. So if you have a sec today, please say a little prayer for us!

Happy Monday to you all!


home makeover {small budget edition}

First off, let me apologize for all the black boxes on my blog. Apparently Google+ albums control your Blogger pictures. If you delete anything on Google+ you lose what is on your blog. Bummer. Big, big, big bummer. Weeks worth of having to go back and try to figure out which pictures were where in my near future kind of bummer. But let's not dwell on that, I'll get us up and running normally soon, I hope.

I finally uploaded the pictures of all my redecorating. My OCDness and girly nature kicked into overdrive when I moved into a bachelor pad. Poor Chris, he never knows what's going to change around here these days. I think I'm almost done with the redecorating, but don't hold me to that. One trip to Target or Hobby Lobby could result in more rearranging, hammering, or painting than my sweet Chris would care for, but he loves my anyway, so we're all good!


It's all still a work in progress, but so far, I'm loving it!!!