
My Nanny

Nanny passed away about 4:00pm today.

They say that it's not what you take when you leave this world behind you; it's what you leave behind you when you go. The greatest thing my Nanny and Pop could leave behind is a legacy of unconditional love. I have never seen a greater love than what my Nanny and Pop gave each other. Their love is so strong that they couldn’t live without each other. I know they are standing at the gates of Heaven together and rejoicing. Rejoicing because they are together again, rejoicing because they are no longer suffering, and rejoicing because they can look down on their family and be proud that they raised a family full of unconditional love! I love you Nanny and I miss you so much already, but I’m so glad you are well and in the arms of Pop forever and ever now. I know how much you have missed him, because I miss him too! My heart has a big hole in it that will never be full again, but my heart has so much love to give because of the love they both gave me and for that I will forever be grateful!
I love you Nanny, give Pop a big hug and kiss for me!!!!