
Beach Front

We buried our feet in the sand, enjoyed the sun, cool breeze, and watching the waves crash this afternoon. While the adult folks chilled in chairs, the kiddos dug and hauled sand, splashed in the ocean, and blew bubbles. What a great day we had!

We Made It to the Beach

We're officially here at the beach! We haven't made it to the sand or water yet, but we're here, on the island!


Slippin' and a Sliddin'!

It's the simple things in life that make me happy and smile!
What a great weekend we had slippin' and sliddin' in the hot summer sun!



While we try to teach our children all about life,
Our children teach us what life is all about.
~Angela Schwindt


A Year Ago Today

A year ago today, I had a miscarriage.
A year ago today, my life changed forever.
A year ago today, I realized, once again, how precious life really is.
A year ago today, I gained a guardian angel.
Today, I hug my loved ones harder.
Today, I tell them I love them more often.
Today, I live without regrets.
Today, I hold to the promises of God even tighter.
All because, a year ago today.


The Park

I love the town we live in. It's not too big, not too small and has amazing parks. Luckily, one of my favorite parks is one street over from our house. Avery and I enjoy going and spending time there.

Here are a few pictures from yesterday.


4th of July

After an emotional week of diagnoses, I was ready for a relaxing weekend. Avery headed off to his dad's house and I kicked back with Chris and his son.

Friday night we went and saw one of my favorite bands. All my best girlfriends were there and it was fun getting out and being around "grown-ups."

Saturday night Chris invited friends over to his house to grill out and shoot off fireworks. We had yummy food, good conversations, and I believe everyone had a good time.

Sunday we relaxed from being up late Friday and Saturday nights. Sunday night we headed over to my cousins, Brenna and Justin, house. Lots of yummy food, a mega slip-n-slide, good company, and fireworks made for an awesome night.

I hope you all had a great 4th of July!


No Words

Sometimes words aren't adequate enough to describe things, that's why we have pictures.