
country air

Chris' family has a farm in south Georgia. We always enjoy going down. The kids have a blast riding tractors and boats, fishing, roasting s'mores, and having lots of quality fun!


Liebster Award

Hello friends. I hope everyone had an enjoyable weekend and Monday wasn't too harsh on ya. If you live in the path of these crazy storms, please know I've been praying for you and I hope you are safe.

When I checked out my blog today, I found that I was nominated for the "Liebster Award." Golly goodness, what a neat surprise! But I'll be honest, when I first saw the nomination, I thought "what the heck is a Liebster." So I looked it up. It means "favorite." It's pretty much saying your "favorite blog." I'm humbled someone likes my blog that much to nominate me.

In order to receive this award you have to be an up and coming blog with less than 200 followers. Sweet Jenn over at Sweet Life of a Southern Wife was the  gal who nominated me. Such a sweetheart!

The Rules:
Each person must post 11 things about themselves.
They must answer the questions that the nominator set for them plus create 11 questions for the others that they nominate.
Choose 11 people to nominate, link them in your post, and let them know you nominated them!

 *no tag backs*

1. What is your favorite time of year? 
I personally L.O.V.E Fall. The weather is perfect. Campfires, s'mores, gorgeous leaves, and holidays in the near future make me smile! 
2. If you could be any celebrity in the world who it would it be and why?
Katherine Hiegl makes me smile. The only movie of hers that I really know is 27 Dresses, but I just love her look and when she throws down "Bennie and the Jets" in the movie, I fall in love with her even more!

3. What is your favorite memory growing up?
I don't have one specific memory that is my favorite. Any time I was spending with my family we made memories. However, the day my sister was born was pretty awesome!

4. Who is your role model?
My Pop. He lived a simple, loving, family oriented life. He never judged, he never complained, and he always had a positive attitude. I miss him dearly and try to live my life in a way that I can be someones role model too.

5. Who was your favorite singer/ band in high school?
I jammed out to AC/DC in high school. Actually, I still jam out to AC/DC!
6. What did you want to be when you grew up?
A teacher, a vet, a landscape architect, a lawyer....I'm still trying to figure this one out.
7. What was your favorite vacation?
Either going to NYC during Thanksgiving or the trip to Jamaica with my family.
8. If you could be a super hero what would your super hero name be and why?
Super Mom-if any of you are mommy's you can probably relate!

9. What is your favorite movie?
Hands down, Forrest Gump. I love me some Jeeeennnny!

10. If you could describe yourself in one word what would it be and why?
Caring. I love people, I care about people, and I worry so much about the well being of others.

11. What was your best Halloween costume?
I am pretty partial to the little bunny rabbit I was when I was about 4. {Stay tuned later this week and I'll post a picture!}

Now that you know a little more about me, let's learn about 11 other fabulous blog friends! Please check out these sweet ladies blogs, and be sure to check out precious Jenn, who nominated me!

1. http://saramontanasays.blogspot.com/
2. http://laurenandeddie.blogspot.com/ 
3. http://everydaywiththejays.blogspot.com/
4. http://laurenashleyedwards.blogspot.com/
5. http://mommaknowsbestblog.com/
6. http://ainsleeryan.blogspot.com/
7. http://betweenthelines-alidavis.blogspot.com/
8. http://westonthebrightside.blogspot.com/
9. http://goodwillista.blogspot.com/
10. http://kaylacheatwood.blogspot.com/
11. http://thelafones.blogspot.com/

Here are your 11 questions:

1. What made you start blogging?
2. Looking back from the beginning of your blogging days, do you think your blogging style has changed? Why?
3. What food do you absolutely hate?
4. When was the last time you laughed so hard you peed your pants?
5.  Did you keep your New Year's resolution from 2012?
6. Describe your favorite Christmas ornament.
7. Which of your parents are you most alike?
8. What's your favorite way to relax?
9. What is your pet peeve?
10. What's your favorite TV show?
11. If you could give one piece of advice about anything, what would it be?  



sadly, he's right {gettin' big}

I can't tell you how many times my little Avery has told me, "Mama, I's dittin' bigs." I can assure you it's more times than my sensitive mama ears want to hear. I often gaze at the excitement he has for "dittin' bigs" and can remember the days I looked at grown-ups and thought it would be super cool to be big too. Precious Avery even tells me he can't wait to be tall like mommy-lordy, if the child only knew 5 feet 1 1/2 inches was pretty short in the grow-up would, he would probably set his standard a little higher. But nonetheless, my baby boy is "dittin' big."

I think as a mother you have to prepare your heart for constant bittersweet moments. I find myself getting frustrated because we are running late {if you know me in real life-can you ever imagine me running late? Ha!} and I wish in that moment Avery could just put his clothes on, the right way. Or I find myself getting frustrated because he makes a huge mess every time he eats. You know, the same-o stuff every mother wishes for in certain moments- for our child to be just a tad bit older and just a teensy weensy bit more independent. Is that what we mothers really want though? Do we really want our babies to be more independent and not count on us for every move they make? Heck no! What mother wants her baby to grow up?

Through these moments of my own selfish frustrations in wishing Avery could be more independent, mommy guilt sinks in-big time! I really don't want my baby to grow up any more. I know soon the days of wanting to cuddle with mommy will be gone, the days of kissing mommy goodbye at school will vanish, the days of wanting mommy's help to tie shoes or go potty will disappear and quite frankly, I'M NOT READY! My heart is not prepared for this. It's already hard enough to believe he's four years old. There is no stinkin' way he can grow up and be taller than his mommy one day.

No matter what I say or do, the reality of is all is it's going to happen. And it's going to happen too fast. In a blink of an eye, my sweet little 3 1/2 foot mini-me is going to soar over the top of my head, he's not going to let me kiss his sweet lips when I drop him off at school, and mommy won't be so cool anymore. There's no stopping time. Trust me, I tried to make a deal with God on that one and he wasn't havin' it.

One day, soon, my baby will be all grown up and one day he won't depend on me for every move he makes. And when that one day comes, I'm going to look back and remember the precious days of my sweet, baby, boy cuddles and picking up macaroni and cheese off the floor and think, "my baby was right, he did get big," and then I'm going to shed tears and have a nice long cry. But today-I'm going to treasure every breath I have with my baby boy. I'm going to relish in these sweet moment, even if they can be frustrating at times and I'm going to soak up every.single.minute and love on my baby like there is no tomorrow!!!!


corn dawgs {fall fun}

Chris and I took the kids on a little surprise trip to Corn Dawgs last weekend.
If you live in our area and haven't been, it's a must do!

There was an airplane you could get in and pretend you were driving-a must for my airplane lovin' boys!

Trevor loved the mazes. He mastered the rope maze in a matter of seconds!

I had never been in a corn maze-it was pretty cool. Even though I felt at times we may never find the end, the boys thought it was pretty fun!

The maze is cut in honor of Atlanta Braves player, Chipper Jones!

Avery wasn't quite sure what to think at first, but he quickly engaged himself into the adventure!

The boys needed some refueling after their adventure through what seemed like miles of corn, so of course shaved ice and cotton candy was a must-have.

Avery couldn't hold in his excitement to bounce high into the air! The child has no fear!!!

Nothing other than smiles and giggles from this sweet boy as he soared up into the air.

 This activity made me a little nervous-so glad my boys are so strong. I just kept waiting for one to fly through the air.

But here again, these kiddos lack any fear!

 The mountain slide was also a big hit, even for Chris and I.

The kids enjoyed the underground tunnel better. I, too, thought it was pretty neat!

They would run out and hurry back up the "mountain" to slide again! I should make one of these at home. Don'tchathink?

I love this one! This child is a ridin' fool!

This sweet baby likes to ride too!

We had an amazing day as a family! I feel very fortunate that we have places around us that allow for such fun family days!

Happy Monday!!!


Mr. & Mrs. Richardson

My sweet friend, Laura Leigh, and her amazing husband, Rex, tied the knot last weekend. What an amazing day it was! Laura Leigh and I met in Mrs. Johnson's third grade glass. We hit it off instantly with our love for playing house. Much to Mrs. Johnson dismay, we nurtured our sweet cabbage patch dolls in class as if they were real humans. I remember us pleading with Mrs. J to allow us to feed our hungry babies. Needless to say, Mrs. Johnson won that battle and we were forced to take our imagination elsewhere. Luckily, we only lived one street apart and were able to spend ample time out of school playing. 
Our generation was hit with the Beanie Baby movement and let me tell you, we collected those creatures like it was our full time job. Much like our baby dolls, our Beanie Babies didn't go without. Now, if we could get half the money the Beanie Baby company said those stuffed animals would be worth today, I'm pretty sure we could quit our day jobs and retire early. 
As we grew up, those days of playing grown ups became days we had to be real grown ups. Life has thrown us curve balls and I know from my own personal trials, Laura was someone I could always connect with that understood me. 
I couldn't be more excited for Rex and Laura Leigh. It's been such a joy to get to know Rex. I remember the first time I met him. My husband, Chris, and I went out to eat with them and as the conversation would take us, Rex and Chris grew up just a few streets from each other. It's such a small world. But there was something else I learned that evening-Rex was the one for Laura. I've know her most of my life and I've never seen the excitement in her eyes as when she's around Rex. It warms my heart! Not only was it an honor to be a part of their most special day, but it's an honor to call these two my friends! I love you both and wish you nothing but happiness!


me, myself, and i {linky fun}

Weeeeelllll, since I haven't done a link-up in many, many, maaaaaany moons, I thought today would be a good day. This link-up allows me to tell you a little bit more about myself. So sit tight, get to know the crazy world of ME, and then link-up on your own blog and tell the world about YOU!

{1} What is your favorite season and why?

Oooo! Oooo! This is an easy peasy one! I'm not even gonna' pretend to like the other seasons, because I'm a Fall girl y'all! Loves it! It's not too hot, it's not too cold, and I tend to like to cover my Lilly white legs and extra curves. The colors of the leaves make me happy. Pumpkins, burlap, and soups in the crockpot make me smile! My sweaters and leggins are my BFF right now and I.Love.It!!!


{2} Talk about a moment that changed your life.

Lord have mercy! I can think of a million moments that have changed my life. Between the birth of my baby boy, to my first marriage, miscarriage, divorce, second marriage, death of my grandparents...the moments go on forever. However, I wouldn't have gotten through any of my "moments" in life without Jesus. In 1995, I was saved. Ever since, Jesus has walked with me through all this craziness that I call my life. Jesus and I have little pep-talks all the time, mainly in the car, and I made him pinky promise not to tell anyone any of my secrets-he's cool like that!

{3} If you could be any Crayola color, what color would you be? 

If I had to choose juuuuuust one color, it would certainly be Robins Egg Blue! I love blues, especially turquoise-y blues. It's just something about the mixture of a blue that looks kinda greensih-it just does me in and I'm hooked!

{4} Describe yourself as a superhero. Name? Sidekick? 

If I were a superhero, I would have the most fit body around, the ability to fly, and have endless access to money so that I could decorate my house all the time! No sidekick would be necessary, I got this!


{5} If you had all the money in the world, but could only shop at 3 stores, which ones would they be?


1 in 4 {I am a 1}


It's October 15th, which is also Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness day. It's a day where those of us who have lost a precious baby wish we weren't apart of this group. It's a day for everyone to remember that we are a statistic. We are the 1 in 4 that would lose a child. 

Losing a baby never get's easier and the pain never goes away. No matter how small the baby was, the loss is bigger than anyone who has never gone through this can ever, ever, ever imagine. The impact losing a child has on your heart changes you forever.

Today, instead of mourning my loss, I want to hold onto the promises of God.I hold onto the promise that Heaven holds my angel baby. My baby is not alone. My loved ones who have gone before me watch my angel and the comfort I feel knowing that I get to go to Heaven one day, makes this day a little more bearable.

For any of you who have experienced this loss, or who have found themselves a "one," a friend of mine started Remember the One. It's a social media site where you can share your story of being a "one." Please check it out!

God Bless you all today and everyday!


bucket list {fall 2012}

I was reading over at The Life of a Wife yesterday and saw her cute, cute, cute fall bucket list. Well of course I wanted to do one myself. I always get ideas to do with the kids, and then forget about them. I'm hoping this list helps us out a bit this fall.

What's your fall bucket list?


mama went shopping {what-what}

This mama needed a few wardrobe updates. After work yesterday, I pulled the ole' grocery-getter {aka the minivan} into Old Navy and added a few cute items to the closet. Oh snap, Mama's gettin' down with her bad self. Who said a grocery-getter drivin' mama can't dress cute? It certainly wasn't me!

Here are a few of the items I picked up. I'm so stinkin' excited. I love fall weather and leggins and I'm really diggin' the BRIGHT skinny jeans! I got a blue and green pair! Oh yes indeedy, mama's steppin' up in the world of COLOR!!!

I also found another new love the other week:

These bad boys are more comfy than a baggy t-shirt, leggins, and no bra...weeeeelllll, almost. Since purchasing these little gems, over a week ago, I've worn them every.single.day! I may be the really cool mom and go get them in every color. {Well, the kids don't know how uncool I really am, yet...so technically I could get by with it, right?}