Weeeeelllll, since I haven't done a link-up in many, many, maaaaaany moons, I thought today would be a good day. This link-up allows me to tell you a little bit more about myself. So sit tight, get to know the crazy world of ME, and then link-up on your own blog and tell the world about YOU!
{1} What is your favorite season and why?
Oooo! Oooo! This is an easy peasy one! I'm not even gonna' pretend to like the other seasons, because I'm a Fall girl y'all! Loves it! It's not too hot, it's not too cold, and I tend to like to cover my Lilly white legs and extra curves. The colors of the leaves make me happy. Pumpkins, burlap, and soups in the crockpot make me smile! My sweaters and leggins are my BFF right now and I.Love.It!!!
{2} Talk about a moment that changed your life.
Lord have mercy! I can think of a million moments that have changed my life. Between the birth of my baby boy, to my first marriage, miscarriage, divorce, second marriage, death of my grandparents...the moments go on forever. However, I wouldn't have gotten through any of my "moments" in life without Jesus. In 1995, I was saved. Ever since, Jesus has walked with me through all this craziness that I call my life. Jesus and I have little pep-talks all the time, mainly in the car, and I made him pinky promise not to tell anyone any of my secrets-he's cool like that!
{3} If you could be any Crayola color, what color would you be?
If I had to choose juuuuuust one color, it would certainly be Robins Egg Blue! I love blues, especially turquoise-y blues. It's just something about the mixture of a blue that looks kinda greensih-it just does me in and I'm hooked!
{4} Describe yourself as a superhero. Name? Sidekick?
If I were a superhero, I would have the most fit body around, the ability to fly, and have endless access to money so that I could decorate my house all the time! No sidekick would be necessary, I got this!
{5} If you had all the money in the world, but could only shop at 3 stores, which ones would they be?