
perspective {life is like a quilt}

I was reading a blog today written by a mother, Natalie, who has endured one of life's most wrenched heartbreaks, the loss of a child. As I was reading her beautiful testimony of overcoming tragedy with triumph through the word of God, I came across one of the most beautiful analogies of how we can look at life.

Natalie was sitting with her friend and the friend told the following story:

             My dad once said that this life is like a quilt.When a child sits on the floor watching their
             mother stitch  a quilt, all they can see from their view on the ground is random strings,
             knots and various threads. It looks messy and purposeless. But when the child sits on
             their mother's lap and views the quilt from the mothers perspective, above it has a
             beautiful pattern. Every color, every stitch, every string has a place and is so pretty when
             woven together.
             Just like us here on earth, all we see are the strings and knots, but in heaven when we see
             from God's perspective, then we will see the pattern of His will and understand His purpose.
             Until then we have to trust the one weaving our lives and rest assured in the end, the Lord is
             making something more beautiful than we could have ever imagined.

Amazing, huh?

Do you ever feel like you come across certain messages at just the right time? It's amazing how God can make sure you hear the words your heart so desperately desires at the very moment you need confirmation that everything will be OK. I've had an emotional week and have been struggling with a lot of personal issues in my own life. I've been searching for so many answers. Answers I'll probably never be able to find. Even though I  want this time in my life to make perfect sense, reading this today gave me the understanding that I don't really need those answers. My plan for life isn't God's plan. All the things I have mapped out in my little head aren't all going to play out the way I think they should. Those plans are going to change, challenges are going to come, and the little map in my head will be thrown out the window. I'm OK with this, sometimes. I do struggle with not knowing all the answers. I want the path to be perfect and I want the easiest path. That's a lot to ask for though.

I'm starting to realize there is a lot of beauty through pain. If everything always went our way, we would never know true joy. The suffering of life is what I believe defines our character. Martin Luther King once said, "The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." So true!

The challenges in my life have made me who I am today. I feel I'm a better person for overcoming the obstacles life has thrown to me. I can't change the past and I can't predict the future, but I can take life one day at a time and learn to be a better person than I was yesterday. 

Right now, I don't understand the "quilt" pattern. All of the "strings and knots" of life don't seem to all add up, but one day it will. One day it will and I long for that day.

To read more about Natalie's story visit: http://mymaddiegrace.blogspot.com

help support EB

What is EB?

Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB) is a rare genetic skin disease that causes the skin to be so fragile that the slightest friction can cause severe blistering—inside and outside the body. Today there is no cure. Severe forms of EB cause patients to live with constant pain and scarring. The worst forms of EB lead to eventual disfigurement, disability and often early death.There are many patients who are diagnosed with milder forms, which, while they can be extremely difficult to live with, are non-disfiguring and non-lethal.

The only treatment for EB is daily wound care and bandaging. The daily routine is a grueling, multi-faceted daily regimen. Caregivers, often parents or family members of EB children, must work in tandem with medical professionals to determine and administer different treatment methods to care for EB wounds. 

With skin as fragile as a butterfly wing, EB patients are dubbed “Butterfly Children”. On the outside physical wounds prevent them from normal daily activities enjoyed by other children. On the inside, their dreams are the same as any child who loves, plays, learns and grows despite the pain and impediment caused by their disease. With the programs and services of Debra of America, EB’s Butterfly Children and their families find the support they so desperately need. Debra of America works to ensure that a life of struggle is also a life of hope for the 1 out of every 50,000 live births in the United States affected by EB.

For the third straight year there is an auction going on in honor of Jonah Williams, a precious EB child, to help raise money for DEBRA, an organization that supports EB patients and families AND provides research funds in search of a cure for EB.

The 2012 auction begins Friday (2/24) at 8pm EST and runs through Monday (2/27) at 9pm EST.

Please visit http://jonahsebauction.blogspot.com/ to learn more.  

To learn more about Jonah, visit http://patriceandmattwilliams.blogspot.com/


avery's valetine's day party

I went to Avery's Valentine's Day party at school today. Oh.My.Goodness.Gracious. These little people are so precious I could just eat em' up. They all were able to decorate a cupcake and had snacks. Avery was so excited his mommy came to his party. I believe it made his day, well, that and the fact he's taking his Mi-Mi on a Valentines date to "My Pie," as he calls it, tonight. He's splurging on pizza and ice cream just for his Mi-Mi and I don't think either of them could be any happier. Pure preciousness!


conversations with Avery {vol. 1}

Avery: Mama, I want Sana 'Tause bring me a vacuum.
Me: Why is that baby?
Avery: I help mama 'tean
Me: You're so sweet.
Avery: I 'tood boy.

Avery:Mama, it 'taining outside.
Me: Yes, it's raining.
Avery: Can't ride trac-trac.
Me: Why is that?
Avery: It get 'tuck.

Avery: Mama, that truck hurt 'dat car?
Me: Yeah, that truck and car had a wreck.
Avery: Po'ice gone get 'dat truck?
Me: Police will come help that truck and car.
Avery: Po'ice gonna take that truck to jail?
Me: No, he didn't mean to hit that car.

Avery: Mama I wear my hat today. I 'de Po-Po. (Referring to his police hat.)
Me: Oh my, mama better be good.
Avery: Mama bad, hers go to jail.
Me: Oh no. Who's gonna take care of Avery?
Avery: No, mama 'tood.


devotions {time with the Lord}

Last night was rough. I was exhausted from work, going to school, and staying up late studying. I wanted to come home and relax. However, Avery had other plans. We had screaming, spilling food intentionally, peeing on the floor on purpose, and, well, you get the picture. I felt overwhelmed. After two hours of trying to control Avery, I was mentally and physically exhausted. I didn't know whether to cry or scream.

I went outside and had a moment. Having a special needs child can lead to all sorts of emotions. Some days I feel as if I'm properly handling the situation, other days I feel like I'm walking a strange and unclear road. The answers are never clear and I question the appropriate route so many times. I pray out to God often to show me the correct path and yesterday I felt as if I was kneeling to him begging for mercy. I know mothers often feel this way. Special needs or not. Mothers carry a lot of weight on their shoulders especially when it comes to doing what's best for their children. Sometimes the weight seems to push us to our lowest.

As I was reading through my blog list this morning, I came across another mother who has had her own struggles and her struggle to find time "quiet" time with the Lord. With a busy schedule, it seems quiet time is hard to find. Jess, over at the Macs, brought to light to incorporating quiet time in the everyday hustle and bustle of life as a mother.

In my moment last night, I came to realize that I've become so dependent on myself to figure out every right and wrong turn to make when it comes to being a mother and I've turned away from allowing God's guidance to help me through the tough days. Jess' post reminded me that I DO need that quiet time with the Lord. I need to rely on my Savior to help me.

I googled "mother's daily devotions" and came across a daily devotional that sparked my interest. The book is called "Daily Wisdom for Mothers Devotional Journal." It's a devotional just for mothers. who are overwhelmed and seeking the Lords guidance. I read the first few devotions and thought this was a good starting place for me.

I can't wait for the book to arrive. I feel this struggle in my life is a gift rather than a burden. I know God is wanting to teach me more about myself through all these days of motherhood. As I've stated before, some days it is so easy to ask God, "Why me, why my child with special needs?" However, I can hear the Lord telling me that I'm not exempt from worldly pain, but to allow him to carry this cross for me. I don't have to bear it alone. There are so many lessons in life I've already learned through this experience and I know there is so much more to learn.