
Catch Up

It's been a long while since I gave an update on what's been going on in our lives. I posted a while back about Avery being diagnosed with Autism. As I was then, I still feel pretty overwhelmed with all that's going on in trying to make sure he has every early intervention therapy possible. I'm in the process of getting him signed up for a special needs pre-school within our public school system. It's a lengthy process, but I am starting to feel good about my decision to let Avery go to pre-school. Avery is excited, which makes me feel even better. He keeps saying "I go 'tool'!"

Right now, we are still working with his speech therapist twice a week. He is making progress and I am always eager to hear him say new words. Another thing we are working on is his behavior. Yes, he's a toddler, but my-oh-my at the tantrums. Some days I feel like I'm going to pull my hair out. I know he's got so much frustration built up with not being able to communicate adequately with us, but wowzers at the fits this child can throw. That being said, I'm finding myself constantly researching better ways to get Avery to communicate as well as discipline techniques. (If you have any tips, please let me know!!!)

Other than that, our summer has flown by. We enjoyed a week at the beach a few weeks ago and highly enjoyed ourselves. I start school back on the 25th and I'm a little tinsie-wensie excited to go back. I'm not looking forward to school in general, get real, but I like the idea of being a step closer to being done!!!

I hope you all are doing well!

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