Losing your job can make you feel worthless and incompetent. I worried for weeks wondering how in the world my family was going to survive this time in our lives. Then, a few weeks later, we had to make the decision to put our precious fur baby, Molly, down. Talk about kicking someone when they are down--I was lost! Our home seemed lonely without our Molly girl and our hearts absolutely broken. Trying to explain death to children is tough. Actually, trying to understand death at any age is difficult.
I took Avery to see a counselor the day after Molly died. He kept asking why we couldn't dig her up from her grave. He asked if he got sick, would he die too? I had a hard time answering his questions because in reality, I was asking myself the same ones. Sitting with Avery as this sweet and God sent lady talked to us, my heart was truly opened and my Faith changed. Avery talked about how Molly still lived because she's with Jesus, and Jesus lives in his heart. He talked about Heaven and how amazing it was. He talked with such confidence in his Faith. I sat in amazement. If only we all had a child-like Faith.
From that day on, I have turned to Jesus more than ever. My Faith has grown so much in these passing weeks. God has shown me that he's in control and he has our back. He's given me peace, taught me patience, and provided for my family. I don't know what this season means, or where it's going to lead me and my family, but I know that my Faith is in Him, and I know that He doesn't close doors, he opens them if you just have Faith!
Hebrews 11:1