
{oh, baby!}

It’s been over a year since my last blog post.  Believe it or not, I’ve sat down to write a post several times and never finished.  It’s crazy how the hustle and bustle of life will keep you on your toes and father time just keeps ticking by.

Of course, a lot of changes have come about.  For one, when I left off in 2015, I was jobless.  I’ve since found employment working for a university at an animal teaching hospital and have been there over a year.  The job doesn’t come without its challenges, but the animal lover in me loves helping those sweet fur babies and I’ve also met some really great people there (always a plus).  I also get to work with my sister, kind of.  She too got a job at the same hospital, in a different department, and we started the same week.  I rarely see her at work (it’s a pretty big place), but it’s nice having her there when I need her. 

Our boys have grown tremendously.  Avery, who will be 9 years old next month, will be starting 3rd grade in the next few weeks, and Trevor, now 13 years old, will be starting 8th grade.  Both boys are excelling in school and continue to amaze us with their sweet personalities.  Avery loves anything sports related, and Trevor is still into science. Of course we are treading new waters with the teenage years, so any pointers are greatly appreciated. :-)

Chris and I are still going strong and will soon celebrate our 5th wedding anniversary.  It seems like yesterday, doesn’t it?

We also have some new and exciting news to share for those of you who don’t know yet. We are expecting baby boy #3 in 9 short weeks.  

This pregnancy has not had any lack in adventure, that’s for sure.  The pregnancy started off the first week or so with Avery getting the flu and having to be quarantined at my mom’s house in hopes that I wouldn’t get the flu too and leaving Avery and I both miserable on Tamiflu.  I then landed myself on bed rest of for a few days because of my blood pressure (luckily that passed without complication).  Everything seemed okay for a little while until my kidneys decided to become a rock quarry. I passed 2 kidney stones within a 2-week time frame and thought I was in the clear with no medications and no trips to the ER begging for mercy. But then, about a month ago, I woke up around 4am in excruciating pain. I knew the pain, but in the back of my mind I was scared that it had something to do with the baby. We hurried to the ER and spent the next 14 hours on the mother-baby floor hooked up to IV fluids and pain meds hoping to flush this bad boy out.  This unfortunately didn’t work and I ended up in an OR room two days later having a stent placed in my right kidney.  I’ve been fortunate enough these past 17 years of having kidney stones that I’ve never had to have a stent placed, only the surgeries to break-up stones.  I’m here to tell you, stents are no joke.  The weeks rocked on and I learned to somehow get through the pain and a surgery date was planned to have this stent removed with high hopes of smooth sailing until September. Ha-to think I was that lucky. Two weeks ago tonight, I found myself back into that same familiar ER with another kidney stone in my right kidney. Come to find out, there were two stones on that side. Even my urologist was impressed at my body’s ability to be so cruel.  I ended up staying 3 nights in the hospital which included having an emergency surgery to remove the left stent and break that stone up, place a stent in my right kidney, some quality time with my IV pump, and finding out I have gestational diabetes.  I had my 3rd surgery in a month’s time this past week to remove my right stent and have the other two stones busted.  To be stent free feels amazing!  If you’ve ever had a stent, you know what I’m talking about!

So, that leads us to today.  We are about 8 ½ weeks until d-day and we still have so much to do to prepare for this sweet boy that’s coming soon! Very soon!  

My hope is to be more diligent about posting so that these sweet (and sometimes not-so-sweet) memories aren’t forgotten.