It was Avery and my first time to Ohio and it was both Trevor and Avery's first time on a big jet. Trev was a bit nervous and Ave was beside himself with excitement, but both boys did amazingly and the plane rides to and from went super!
We flew up on Friday morning and spent the late afternoon at the farm (the family farm where the reunion was held).
On Saturday, over 100 folks gathered for great food and fellowship. It was so neat to finally put faces with names that I've heard about since Chris and I started dating. Everyone was so friendly and kind. I loved meeting all of the extended families and hearing all of the family stories. So many times we were in tears laughing from all of the shenanigans. You could just feel the love on the farm. It really is a magical place!
On Sunday, we had some time to burn before flying home so we headed out to the farm for a few hours and then headed to a local dairy/restaurant. The kids had so much fun and loved being able to pet the animals and eat ice cream. Afterward, we headed to the airport to make our way back home.
I know most people think family reunions are those dreaded events when you have to go and pretend you know who everyone is, but not this one. This family reunion was amazing! We met so many great cousins, aunts, and uncles and we all wished we had a few more days to stay.
{waiting for our plane to Ohio}
{preparing for take-off}
{successful flight}
{the 4 remaining 1st generation}
{2nd generation}
{3rd generation}
{4th generation}
{the outlaws aka. the spouses}
{the whole crew}
{reunion fun!}
{Sunday fun at the dairy}