
Elmo Update

Elmo is up to his daily tricks. 

He had to go back to the North Pole this morning because Avery wasn't obeying his mommy. 

Hopefully, with good behavior, Elmo can come back tomorrow.


Elmo's Tricks

Elmo can fly!

To see the excitement on my child's face this morning was priceless!


Meet Elmo {our Elf on a Shelf}

This is Elmo.

He came from the North Pole to help Santa watch over our house.

He showed up at Avery's dad's house last week and flew all the way to our house.

He's a silly little creature.

Here is what Elmo has been up to since he arrived at our home:

{Night 1: Elmo flew from Avery's dad's house all the way to our house {3 hours away}.He was quite tired from his journey.

{Day 1: Elmo tried to carry toilet paper down the stairs. What a mess he made.}

{Day 2: Elmo thought marshmallows where bubbles. He took a nice, sweet bath-in the sink.}


a few projects {home}

{Updated frames & pictures}

{I took most of the black frames and painted them to give the hallway more color}

{Name art I created. I love how these turned out!}

{I love this airplane. So cute. The books behind it were my daddy's when he was a child. I love the colors of them. 


just a few {of my favorite things}


O Holy Night by David Phelps will send chills down your spine!
Click HERE to listen to it. Ahhh-mazing!



I love Kenny Rogers and Wynonna Judd version of Mary Did you Know?
You can listen to it HERE.

I always loved helping my mama get her Christmas china out. So beautiful!

I love our precious stockings!


monday night {crafts}

 I've had a few projects going on at home {pics coming soon}, so I've had my paints and brushes out quite a bit lately. Last night I was painting away on some picture frames and my crafting companion, Trevor, wanted to join in on the fun too. I can always count on him to keep me company during my crafting frenzies. :-) 


I always try to keep a few extra canvases handy so the boys can paint masterpieces. Trevor was excited about the flat {panel} canvas. He said it was much bigger and easier to paint on than the other ones {stretched canvas}-I have to agree with him on that!


He thought and mulled over all the color paints we had and thought of the perfect picture to paint.
I think the painting turned out beautiful!


dreams {new adventures}

We all have dreams in life. Sometimes those dreams seem unreachable. Sometimes it's money, sometimes timing, but sometimes it's our lack of confidence and the fear of failure holding us. Accomplishing my biggest dream had nothing to do with money or timing; it was all fear holding me back.

The one question lingering in my head for years now, "would I be good enough?" Certainly a question I can't answer, but the only question I needed answered.

Until now. I did it! I bit the bullet and went for it.

I want to introduce to you all my new adventure:

Please visit me on Facebook. I'm in the process of creating a webpage now and will post that information as soon as it's up and running.


sweet brothers

I've always been a believer that blood doesn't define a family, love does. My family is no different. Since 2011, when Chris and I introduced our two little guys, they have been inseparable. They bicker, get on each other's nerves, and so on, just like "real" brothers do; but most of all, these two love each other just like "real" brothers. They help build each other up, they feed off each other's imagination, and they laugh and giggle tons. My heart is full, my eyes are teary from watching the love between these two, and my ears love the sound of their sweet laughs and kind words to one another. 

And at the end of the day, I sit back and think..."I'm blessed by blended love!"

Happy Friday!


november days

Autumn is 

a second spring

when every


is a flower.

{Albert Camus}   


workin' at the car wash


 At the car wash


 Workin' at the car wash, girl

 Come on and sing it with me

  (Car wash)

 Sing it with the feelin' ya'll

 (Car wash, girl)


halloween {pics}

Here are the pictures of my cute little goblins that were roaming the streets on October 31 yelling
"trick or treat!"


questions {from a 4 year old}

Honestly, I never realized how much young children ponder and analyze things until here recently. Yes, I had mystery questions in my head as a young child, but I really don't remember asking them-I'm sure my mother does though. The world seems so complex as an adult, and yet we know more than 4 year olds.

Some of the questions Avery has asked lately seem so simple, but in his little mind are huge. It doesn't stop at "how does the sun rise" or "how do you make orange," nope, this little guys brain is working overtime!

Recent questions:

{Avery}"How do I get to Heaven?"
     {Me}"Darling, you fly up with Jesus."

{Avery} "Is mommy going to Heaven with me?"
     {Me}"Well, mommy will probably already be there."

{Avery} "Why can't I hear Jesus talk to me?"
     {Me}"Jesus has magic ears, he can only hear you."

{Avery} "How did I get in mommy's belly?"
     {Me}"God put you in there with his super cool magic."

{Avery} "Why did they cut me out of mommy's belly? {Followed by, "Why didn't I come out between your legs?"}
     {Me}"Because you were a special BIG baby!"

{Avery} "When am I going to die/Heaven?"
     {Me}"When Jesus invites you to come live at his house, but it will be a long, long, long time."

There have been a lot more questions, but of course I can't remember them all. I answer them the best I can and sometimes I have to get quite creative. I don't want Avery to have fear of the unknown, and I don't want him to fear Heaven or Jesus. Keep in mind that last year he had a classmate die tragically and he still asked questions about her. He knows not just old people go to Heaven and if I explain that his classmate was sick, he thinks anytime he gets sick he's going to Heaven too. I try my best to answer every question in a very simplistic way, but geeesh, where is the manual on this one?

Do any of you have advice on this one?